1. Installation issues

Users can refer to the documentation page for installation and running of MCLand software tool. Please make sure you install the correct Anaconda 3 version 4.3.1 because MCLand was developed and tested in this version. That means if you use other version of Anaconda 3 it may not work properly.

2. How to include constant or function in the ode file?

In XPPAUT constant or function can be included and XPPAUT will automatically recognizes it. But for MCLand we need to insert a special keyword const. In other words, for each row of constant or function, you have to insert "const" in the row where you define the constant or function, e.g.,
const m_inf=(0.5*(1+tanh((V-v1)/v2)))

3. Can I use MCLand to model dynamical system with delay differential equations?

At the moment, MCLand only support model equation for ordinary differential equations. So, that mean you will not be able to use MCLand for delay differential equations.


If you have any questions, suggestions or feedback, please email to: zhengjie@shanghaitech.edu.cn

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